Was German society s attitude to the Nazi persecution and extermination of the Jews one of escalating indifference? 18. Do we know what impact Nazi anti-semitic propaganda had on the attitudes and behaviour of German people towards Germany s Jewish minority in the years ? 17. It is furthermore the case that, of all the reasons for supporting Hitler at the polls, anti-semitism, as such, counted among the least significant (H. Did Hitler s views about Jews differ substantially from those of previous antisemites? 15. Did the First World War lead to a significant deterioration in the relationship between Jews and Germans? 14. Why was no discriminatory legislation against Jews introduced in the German Empire between 18? 13. How significant was the emergence of more political and racial forms of antisemitism in the later 19 th century? 12. What did the emergence of modern antisemitism have to do with the rise of the Jews in the 19th century? 11. Why were there so many violent pogroms in Russia in the later 19 th and early 20 th centuries? 10. Whether or not Disraeli identified himself as a Jew, he was always perceived as one not only by his friends and colleagues, but especially by his enemies (Weintraub). Why was the emancipation of the Jews in the German states in the 19 th century such a protracted process? 8. How far was the process of Jewish emancipation in Europe guided by a concern for the welfare of the Jews themselves? 7. How influential in the development of antisemitic ideas were Luther s ideas about the Jews? 6. Was the Spanish Inquisition an exercise in antisemitism? 5. Why were the Jews expelled from Spain considerably later than from England and France? 4. Explain the persistence of the blood libel accusation in medieval and early modern Europe. Why were the Jews expelled from England in 1290? 2.

Past examination papers can be accessed from elsewhere on the module Blackboard site.Ĥ ESSAY TITLES 1. Examination (50%) There will be a two-hour examination in the assessment period, commencing April 22nd The examination timetable will be released prior to the Easter vacation.
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Credit will be given to those essays which: o are free of repeated grammatical error and clumsy style o demonstrate an ability to engage intelligently with the relevant historiography on the subject o discriminate effectively between conflicting interpretations and perspectives o achieve an effective blend of analysis and evidence o construct a clear and coherent argument in answer to the question The deadline for this essay is Thursday 21st March (Week 11).ģ E. If you wish to undertake an essay on an alternative topic, please make sure you consult your seminar tutor first. Essay (25%) You should write an essay of 2,000-2,500 words from the list provided. The deadline for this essay is Wednesday 20th February (Week 7). Examples of the type of sources which are well suited for such essays are provided elsewhere on this Blackboard site. Short (Document) Essay (15%) You should write an essay of 1,500 words in which you relate a particular (primary) source, or a small collection of related primary sources, to the wider understanding you will have gained from lectures, seminars and further reading. This mark will be increased to: o 6/10 for satisfactory contributions to seminars o 7/10 for very good contributions to seminars o 8/10 for excellent contributions to seminars o 9/10 for outstanding contributions to seminars C. This mark will be forfeited if you are persistently absent from seminars without reason.

Contribution to Seminars (5%) All of you will be credited with an initial pass mark of 4 out of 10 for seminar contribution. The presentation = 5% of the overall assessment. The overall presentation, rather than the individual contributions, will be graded and the same mark given to each members of the study group. The study group is free to choose how it organises its presentation, but the entire presentation should take no longer than 15 minutes in total. Each group is responsible for one presentation in Weeks 3-6. Presentation (5%) Each seminar group is divided into groups of 3 or 4 students. 2 HIS-1A26 THE HOLOCAUST IN HISTORY Spring 2013 ASSESSMENT The assessment for this module consists of the following: A.